Facts About Mona Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci was a genius of the renaissance period. His skills were legendary - painter, architect, engineer, mathematician and philosopher but he is perhaps best known for his paintings especially that of the Mona Lisa. The name of the subject of this wonderful painting was believed to be of Mona Lisa del Gioconda. Mona Lisa was the wife of Francesco di Bartolommeo di Zanobi del Giocondo. Mona Lisa was believed to be 24 years old at the time her portrait was painted. Her enigmatic smile has captured the imagination of people for centuries.

Concise Biography, History & Facts About the artist - Leonardo da Vinci

Nationality - Italian
Place of Birth - Vinci, Italy 
Lifespan - April 15, 1452 - May 2, 1519 
Family - Son of Ser Piero di Antonio and Caterina
Educated - Served as an apprentice to Andrea del Verrocchio

Interesting Facts About the Mona Lisa !

Increase your knowledge of Facts about the famous work
  • Da Vinci started to work at this painting in 1503
  • He spent four years on the portrait
  • It is painted on 77 x 53 cm poplar wood
  • He never sold the portrait
  • It has been suggested that the portrait of the Mona Lisa is in fact Leonardo's female version of himself
  • August 22, 1911 - Mona Lisa was stolen but soon recovered
  • In 1956 an acid attempt damaged the lower half of the painting, the restoration took several years


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